Marketing ROI Calculator

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Tool - Marketing ROI Calculator MRR (v2.0)

Business Details

MRR per client x active clients x 12 months
annual revenue x profit margin

Marketing Investment

How much do you spend on marketing per month across the following categories?

average monthly marketing spend
monthly marketing spend x 12
annual marketing spend ÷ annual revenue

Marketing Results

leads captured x sales close rate
clients won monthly x 12

Marketing ROI

marketing spend ÷ number of leads captured
client lifetime profit ÷ sales close rate
client lifetime profit ÷ sales close rate
(client lifetime profit earned - marketing spend) ÷ marketing spend
client lifetime profit earned ÷ marketing spend

Year End Summary

clients won per year
clients lost per year
new clients - lost clients
client net change ÷ total clients at period start
cancelled clients ÷ total clients at period start
MRR per client x months as a client
client lifetime value x profit margin (%)
client net change x client lifetime profit
annual revenue x (1+growth rate)

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